HP Size

The Fusion VCF3 is resonant 24dB/oct lowpass filter of unique design that combines vacuum tubes and vactrols, providing distinct, soft filtering. For more versatility, the independent audio mixer and buffered multiple is incorporated in the module, and, most importantly – a CV recorder that records motion of the potentiometer, so you can design advanced modulation patterns.Features:Full analogue design
Vacuum tube and vactrol based filter circuit. Because of vactrol lag,
the VCF will not accept audio rate modulation, the maximum
modulation frequency is 10Hz
Input signal mixer with gain 2 for signal overdrive
Buffered multiple for splitting audio and CV signals
Potentiometer motion record unit with CV and gate outputs
Recorded CV multiplication and divisionTechnical Specifications:Filter slope 24dB/oct
Audio Input level 10Vptp
CV input level -5V – +5V
CV Output level 0V – +5V
Panel width 20HP
Module depth 36mm
Power consumption 81mA@+12V, 76mA@-12VMore Info: Erica Synths Fusion VCF3