HP Size
- Modulation VCO: triangle core with Hard Sync and Link switch to connect pitch to primary
- Primary VCO: triangle core with Hard Sync, Octave switches, Linear/Exp FM and PWM
- Global modulation bus with four VCO waveforms, noise and S&H options
- Cascaded 4-Pole multimode filter
- Looping ADSR with range switch, manual gate, and external level (velocity) control.
- Three position output clipping circuit
- 27 jacks for creative and complex patching options
- Skiff Friendly
Summary of enhancements/differences over the SH-101 core:
- Discrete triangle core vcos (with far better tracking and Hard sync) instead of CEM based IC.
- Primary vco has linear FM (not just exp)
- MOD VCO can be linked to the primary VCO pitch CV.
- Modulation oscillator switchable from LFO to VCO
- Filter is multimode, 2/4pole switchable and has a special LP boost mode
- Filter allows for selection of inverted ADSR mod source
- Mixer section includes and external source which is normalled to a sinewave
- Filter has built in soft clipping
- Envelope has looping option, re-trigger and selectable time range
- Output VCA has two stage clipping circuit
- Patch points for every synthesis section
More Info: Atlantis