Killer Sample Sequencer for Modern Synth Rigs’‘ – Sweetwater
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135.00 €159.00 €
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Synth Type
Expanded with double the memory, new sequencer functions, and USB for computer connectivity and sample management, the Korg Volca Sample 2 delivers the fun and freedom of an old-school sample sequencer in a format that’s perfect for modern electronic musicians and modular synth rigs. It comes loaded with 100 killer samples that you can tweak, sequence, and automate all on the fly, with cool functions such as reverse, swing, and reverb to keep things interesting. A custom iOS app lets you capture and upload your own samples, and Korg’s sync I/O let you combine the Volca Sample 2 with your other Volca and Electribe gear. If you’re inspired by turning found sounds into music, you’ll love what you can do with the Korg Volca Sample 2.
Mūsu misija ir dalīties zināšanās ar jebkuru mūzikas producentu un komponistu ar daudziem visu laiku klasiskajiem sintezatoriem jaunā un modernā veidā! Šeit jūs varat izveidot skaņas un ierakstus, kādu izmantoja daudzi pasaules slaveni mākslinieki. Synthlab studija vada vadošais studijas aprīkojuma veikals Baltijā – T Studio.