Ortofon CC MKII Elite Stylus

Special-molded replacement stylus body with real gold plating

2-year warranty on all products!

299.00 €
Delivery from 6 up to 9 days

0.00€ free shipping using DPD Pickup if the amount is greater than 100.00€.

5.00€ if you want DPD courier to deliver the product home 1* working day .

The Replacement Stylus for the Concorde Elite features a special-molded stylus body with real gold plating. Encased by the gold is a Nude Elliptical diamond mounted on a rigid Aluminum cantilever. The Nude Elliptical diamond stylus, normally used in HiFi cartridges, delivers a sound so powerful and detailed that you will experience a remarkable level of live performance.

The addition of a Nude Elliptical diamond allows a smaller moving mass, which guarantees an improved and detailed sound quality. The slim profile of the Nude Elliptical diamond makes it able to follow the groove oscillations more accurately, extract more intricate details, and track even the highest frequency information.




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