PreSonus AIR18s

Versatile, Customized, Low-End Performance!

2-year warranty on all products!

819.00 € 1,049.00 €
Delivery from 6 up to 9 days

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The PreSonus Air18S active PA subwoofer exhibits a powerful, clear, and accurate low-end punch that belies its compact, lightweight form factor. An 18″ woofer is powered by 1,200 watts delivered by a super-efficient Class D amplifier. A variable lowpass filter dials in your upper frequency limit from sub-bass to full-range, while DSP presets enable extended low-end performance, so creating ground-stacked or endfire subwoofer arrays is child’s play. Great for both mobile use and permanent installations, the PreSonus Air18S active PA subwoofer is the perfect complement to your full-range Air10, Air12, or Air18 PA system.


PreSonus Air18S Active PA Subwoofer Features at a Glance:


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