Your Ticket to Legendary Shure Sound
If you peek into any voiceover booth or podcast studio, you’re likely to find a few of Shure’s legendary broadcast mics hanging around. With the introduction of the MV7X, more and more podcasters and content creators can access that storied sound. This pro-level microphone features a highly directional dynamic capsule and Shure’s cutting-edge Voice Isolation Technology to cut out background noise. It also has a tailored frequency response, so your vocal performance comes through with a defined brilliance. It’s versatile, too — users report that the MV7X’s high SPL handling makes it a no-brainer for metal vocals. If you’re ready to up your recording game without breaking the bank, consider the Shure MV7X Dynamic Broadcast Microphone.
Ja ielūkojaties jebkurā balss pārraides kabīnē vai aplāžu studijā, iespējams, atradīsit dažus Shure leģendāros apraides mikrofonus. Ieviešot MV7X, arvien vairāk aplādes veidotāju un satura veidotāju var piekļūt šai stāvu skaņai. Šim profesionāla līmeņa mikrofonam ir ļoti virziena dinamiska kapsula un Shure progresīvā balss izolācijas tehnoloģija, lai samazinātu fona troksni. Tam ir arī pielāgota frekvences reakcija, tāpēc jūsu vokālais sniegums ir ar noteiktu spožumu. Tas ir arī daudzpusīgs – lietotāji ziņo, ka MV7X augstā SPL apstrāde padara to par vienkāršu metāla vokālam. Ja esat gatavs uzlabot savu ierakstu spēli, nepārkāpjot banku, apsveriet Shure MV7X dinamisko apraides mikrofonu.
Shure MV7X Dynamic Broadcast Microphone Features:
- Dynamic microphone for podcasting and content creation
- Tuned capsule captures your voice in stunning clarity
- Voice Isolation Technology focusses on your voice and nothing else
- High SPL handling tackles loud sources with ease
- All-metal design makes this microphone tough enough for serious field use
- Integrated yoke for easy positioning
- Includes Euro thread adapter
More information about this powerful microphone found HERE