Sintezatora Tips

- 1-voiced desktop analog patchable synthesizer with 2 oscillators and MIDI capability
- 2 Channels of MIDI to CV and MIDI to Gate; make music with any MIDI controller
- Voltage control of all circuits for enhanced creative flexibility
- Patchable with 13 sources and 14 destinations
- Compatible with all Eurorack modular synthesizer signals
- Sync to MIDI Clock for precise sequences
- Dual mode MIDI-controlled arpeggiator
- Triangle Core analog VCO with square wave harmonic functionality
- Unusual, musical timbral animation via Overtone & Multiply controls
- Unique transistor-based lowpass gate dynamics a la the Buchla 292 Low Pass Gate
- External audio input for combining with external sounds
- Headphone and line level amplifiers; use headphone amp only for monitoring!
- Patch cables, a power adapter, MIDI adapter, and mini to 1/4″ jack adapter included
- Made in Asheville, NC, USA
More Info: 0-Coast