
- Step sequencer: create a new groove by tapping the 16 large, multicolored step input keys. See sequence information on each track with the keys’ changing colors.
- Multicolored Performance Pads: 16 large rubber pads to trigger the tracks you’ve assigned samples and loops to. Each one has multicolored illumination and highly accurate velocity detection
- Touch strip: Quickly change the pitch when using the pitch bend feature, or play a drum roll by using the note repeat feature. There are two user modes – customize parameters to your linking.
- 7-inch full-color touch screen
- Syncing with various external devices: Clock synchronization with MIDI devices as well as Beat Sync. This can synchronize a performance by beat/bar with a track playing on a CDJ-2000NXS2 or XDJ-1000MK2 set-up using PRO DJ LINK. Use the tempo slider and the nudge buttons to quickly adjust tempo and beat position manually
- Live Sampling: Sample input sounds and immediately use them as individual tracks. The sampled sounds are automatically synchronized with the current sequence to play in a loop, so they can be dropped straight into a live remix. You can sample any input source, including audio from a turntable, via your mixer.
- FX: You can apply FX such as echo, reverb and filter to individual tracks, a group of tracks, or all tracks.
- The DJS-1000 is designed to fit perfectly alongside the CDJ-2000NXS2 and DJM-900NXS2.
- Support for USB devices – manage your projects and samples easily
- Over 2,500 on-board Loopmasters samples – start performing with the DJS-1000 straight out the box
- Support for DJS-TSP Project Creator 2 – easily create projects and SCENE 3 files on a PC/Mac
- Support for project files created on the TORAIZ SP-16
More info: Pioneer DJS-1000