Key Features:
- The classic Warm Audio “tone” control alters the input transformer impedance from 600Ω to 150Ω,, adding “air” or “sheen” to the top end – great for ribbons or “darker” mics.
- The “high gain” switch engages an extra 20dB of tube gain to take the WA-MPX all the way to 90dB – very useful on lower output dynamic and ribbon mics
- The Tape Saturation control engages a discrete circuit in the signal that adds focused tone filtering to emulate the sound of tape machines running at 15IPS, adding just enough imperfection to the signal, especially when used on program material for mixing and mastering.
- The switchable 80 Hz high pass filter makes it easy to remove unruly bass noise from sources before you even hit record. The 2 kHz low pass filter allows you to chop off upper-mids and harsh highs for a uniquely Lo-Fi sound.
- 90 dB, 300 v Single-Channel or Dual-Channel Tube Microphone Preamp
- Selectable Tape Saturation Adds Harmonic Distortion & Natural Compression
- Engage High Gain Control For An Added 20db (From 70dB To 90 dB) Of Clean Gain For Low-Output Mics And Low-Volume Sources
- 48v Phantom Power & Polarity Switch
- Classic Warm Audio Tone Control That Alters The Input Transformer Impedance Adding Extra Analog Color
- 80Hz High-Pass Filter To Control Unruly Bass Frequencies
- 2kHz Low-Pass Filter To Focus Preamp Power & Warmth On Mids For Added Punch
- Inputs: XLR Mic, TS Instrument & TRS Line.
- Outputs: XLR / TRS Line Level
- VU Meter Level Indication
- Aluminium Faceplate, Steel Chassis, & Vintage Bakelite-Style Knobs
- Internal IEC 115v/230v Power InletComponents & Internal Specs (Per Channel)
Fully Discrete, Hand-Built Construction With 3 Tubes Per Channel For Ultimate Analog Tone - Premium (2X) 12AX7 & (1X) 12AU7 Vacuum Tubes
- 90dB Of Analog Tube Gain Per Channel
- Custom-Wound, Large-Core CineMag USA TransformersPerformance Specs (Per Channel)
Mic Input: 600Ω Transformer (6000Ω Rated) - Mic Input With “Tone” Engaged: 150Ω Transformer (1500Ω Rated)
- 600Ω Output Attenuator
- Frequency Response: 20Hz-20kHz