HP Izmērs

BRENSO is Frap Tools’ primary analog source of articulated waveforms whose degree of entanglement can be precisely set by the musician.Its concept developed from a reflection on the very meaning of the word ‘complex,’ which comes from the Latin verb plector, literally meaning ‘to weave.’ The purpose of BRENSO is to update the usual approach to ‘complex oscillator’ by offering many threads to be woven together, rather than a pre-defined weft of controls and waveforms: this to improve clarity, manageability, and to provide more sonic options to the artist.BRENSO consists of three sections: two for the sound generation (yellow and green), and one for sound processing (white and red).The generation sections allow control over the two triangle-core oscillators, which can be modulated and synced both internally and externally. The Frequency Modulation can be any combination of exponential and/or linear through-zero.The processing section is composed of a Timbre Modulation section (white) and a final stage of Amplitude Modulation (red). The Timbre Modulation contains two parallel waveshapers with a PWM circuit, which are mixed with a crossfader and processed by a wavefolder. The wavefolder has symmetry control and can be pinged through a dedicated clock input with a shapeable, nonlinear behavior.A four-quadrant multiplier further modulates the timbre-modulated sound with the green oscillator’s sine wave: it can perform Amplitude Modulation or Ring Modulation, and a crossfader defines the balance between the modulated and unmodulated signal.The Timbre section CV inputs are semi-normalled to a Timbre Modulation Bus, which is, in turn, semi-normalled to the green sine wave. Many other modulation destinations are semi-normalled to the other oscillator’s sine wave, with attenuverters and attenuators to guarantee precise control. All the semi-normalizations can be ‘broken’ anywhere throughout the signal routing according to the musician’s needs.Size 30HPDepth 38mmPower Requirements
- TBA mA +12V idle
- TBA mA -12V idle
More Info: Frap Tools Brenso